The Fujoshi Guide to Web Development is structured in issues containing a single learning focus, which are then collected into volumes–similarly to a manga or comic. Featured in our first Kickstarter, Volume 0 collects our inaugural issues introducing Git, GitHub and open source development.

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Issue 1 – Using Git locally

Git's introduction from the guide
Boba-tan learns how Git can help make tracking your code changes and sorting through different versions of a codebase a breeze–no matter the size of your wardrobe!


  • What is version control (Git)?
  • The commit cycle
  • Navigating and manipulating code history

The scenario

Meet Git and learn about his most fundamental commands through a dress-up game involving his friends: CSS, HTML, ARIA, and Boba-tan.

Current status

Beta testing (full issue, wave 2)

Issue 2 – Using Git(Hub) in the cloud

When Boba-tan's laptop breaks in the middle of her latest project, Git and GitHub team up to save the day by combining their powers to back up code to the cloud, help her continue working, and prevent future disasters.


The scenario

Explore how to avoid losing your code and work on changes in parallel by using the combined power of Git and GitHub to recover and improve Boba-tan's lost Blorbo Shrine.

Current status

Early draft ready, writing in progress

Issue 3 – Open Source Collaboration

Work in progress, check back later


The scenario

Work in progress, check back later

Current status

Brainstorming content and scenario